
From SUMOwiki
Revision as of 12:38, 25 March 2010 by Icouckuy (talk | contribs) (AutoConfig for SUMO 6.2)
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Generated for SUMO toolbox version 7.0. We are well aware that documentation is not always complete and possibly even out of date in some cases. We try to document everything as best we can but much is limited by available time and manpower. We are are a university research group after all. The most up to date documentation can always be found (if not here) in the default.xml configuration file and, of course, in the source files. If something is unclear please dont hesitate to ask.



Use this if you data generator is a native executable, shell script, or java class

<[[Config:SampleEvaluator|SampleEvaluator]] id="local" type="ibbt.sumo.sampleevaluators.LocalSampleEvaluator">
   <!-- Maximum number of times to resubmit a point (e.g., in case something went wrong) -->
   <Option key="maxResubmissions" value="1"/>
   <!-- If a sample takes longer than "sampleTimeout*average evaluation time of one sample" 
   seconds to evaluate it is removed from the pending list (set to -1 to disable) -->
   <Option key="sampleTimeout" value="-1"/>
   <!-- Can be set to "java" for java executables, to "external" for platform-specific
        binaries/scripts and to nothing at all for auto-detection.-->
   <Option key="simulatorType" value=""/>
   <!-- Can be set to a number of seconds, if one simulator evaluation exceeds this timeout,
        the simulation is aborted -->
   <!-- <Option key="timeout" value="12"/> -->
   <!-- Number of samples to evaluate concurrently, useful if you have a dual or multi-core machine -->
   <Option key="threadCount" value="1"/>


Evaluate samples using a matlab script (ie. your simulator is a matlab script)

<[[Config:SampleEvaluator|SampleEvaluator]] id="matlab" type="ibbt.sumo.sampleevaluators.matlab.MatlabSampleEvaluator">
   <!-- Maximum number of times to resubmit a point (e.g., in case something went wrong) -->
   <Option key="maxResubmissions" value="1"/>
   <!-- If a sample takes longer than "sampleTimeout*average evaluation time of one sample" 
   seconds to evaluate it is removed from the pending list (set to -1 to disable) -->
   <Option key="sampleTimeout" value="-1"/>


Evaluate samples using a gridded dataset

<[[Config:SampleEvaluator|SampleEvaluator]] id="griddedDataset" type="ibbt.sumo.sampleevaluators.datasets.GriddedDatasetSampleEvaluator">
   <!-- Using an ID you can specify which dataset from the simulator file to use -->
   <!-- <Option key="id" value="someDataset"/> -->


Evaluate samples using a scattered dataset

<[[Config:SampleEvaluator|SampleEvaluator]] id="scatteredDataset" type="ibbt.sumo.sampleevaluators.datasets.ScatteredDatasetSampleEvaluator">
   <!-- Using an ID you can specify which dataset from the simulator file to use -->
   <!-- <Option key="id" value="someDataset"/> -->


Evaluate samples on a SGE administered cluster through a remote, ssh reachable frontnode

<[[Config:SampleEvaluator|SampleEvaluator]] id="calcua" type="ibbt.sumo.sampleevaluators.distributed.sge.RemoteSGESampleEvaluator">
   <!-- Maximum number of times to resubmit a point (e.g., in case something went wrong) -->
   <Option key="maxResubmissions" value="1"/>
   <!-- If a sample takes longer than "sampleTimeout*average evaluation time of one sample" 
        seconds to evaluate it is removed from the pending list (set to -1 to disable) -->
   <Option key="sampleTimeout" value="-1"/>
   <!--The platform specs of the cluster-->
   <[[Config:Executable|Executable]] platform="linux" arch="x86_64"/>
   <[[Config:Backend|Backend]] id="remoteSGE" type="ibbt.sumo.sampleevaluators.distributed.sge.RemoteSGEBackend">
      <!--ssh user name to login on the front node-->
      <Option key="user" value="dgorisse"/>
      <!--Submissions happen from this front node, you need to have key-based ssh authentication-->
      <Option key="frontNode" value=""/>
      <!--Directory on the front node where input/output files, dependencies, etc. are stored-->
      <Option key="remoteDirectory" value="/storeA/users/dgorisse/output"/>
      <!--poll for result files every xx seconds-->
      <Option key="pollInterval" value="20"/>
      <!--queues we can submit to-->
      <Option key="queues" value="all.q,fast.q"/>
      <!--check for faster queues (more slots available) every xx seconds-->
      <Option key="queueRevisionRate" value="10"/>
      <!--script on the frontnode that sets up the necessary shell environment-->
      <Option key="environmentCommand" value=". ~/.profile;"/>