System requirements

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Mandatory Requirements

In order to use the SUMO Toolbox you must have at least the following:

  • Matlab version R2008a (7.6) or R2008b (7.7) (*) (for v6.0 R2007a or later should suffice).

Previous versions may work, it depends on what you need, the same is true for later versions. Versions marked with (*) are the versions the developers are using. That is usually the safest.

In addition the following Matlab toolboxes are strongly recommended (it depends on what you use):

And to a lesser degree, but still recommended:

Finally, if you wish to try the support for parallel computing you will need:

The SUMO Toolbox will work on every operating system that Matlab supports (Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, Solaris, ...), see the Matlab website for details.

Compilation Requirements

If you want to compile the toolbox from source you will need:

  • Java SDK v1.5 or greater (we have only tested the JDK from Sun Microsystems)
  • Apache Ant or Eclipse

If you want to use some of the Support Vector Machine or fast Neural Network libraries you will need the standard GNU tools (make, gcc, ...) as well, to compile the C/C++ codes.

See the installation instructions for how to compile the toolbox.