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Revision as of 16:25, 27 January 2012 by Mnguyen (talk | contribs) (→‎lhd)
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Generated for SUMO toolbox version 7.0. We are well aware that documentation is not always complete and possibly even out of date in some cases. We try to document everything as best we can but much is limited by available time and manpower. We are are a university research group after all. The most up to date documentation can always be found (if not here) in the default.xml configuration file and, of course, in the source files. If something is unclear please dont hesitate to ask.



Latin Hypercube desing of experiments (DOE). Choose an initial sample set in such a way that they form a latin hypercube. This initial design will first try to download a pre-optimized maximin Latin hypercube from the website [1]. If such a design is not available, or no proper connection to the website can be made, the Latin hypercube is generated by the toolbox. Note that this Latin hypercube may be suboptimal, and may leave considerable gaps in the design space.

<[[Config:InitialDesign|InitialDesign]] type="[[InitialDesign#LatinHypercubeDesign|LatinHypercubeDesign]]">
   <!-- how many points to generate -->
   <Option key="points" value="20"/>
   <!--<Option key="weight" value="0.5"/>-->
   <!--<Option key="coolingFactor" value="0.9"/>-->
   <!--<Option key="p" value="5.0"/>-->


Specifies a simple Factorial Design (uniform grid)

<[[Config:InitialDesign|InitialDesign]] type="[[InitialDesign#FactorialDesign|FactorialDesign]]">
   <!-- how many points to generate for each dimension as a vector -->
   <!-- a scalar value (l) is the same as [l l ... l] (length of input dimension) -->
   <Option key="levels" value="3"/>


Specifies a trivial Random design

<[[Config:InitialDesign|InitialDesign]] type="[[InitialDesign#RandomDesign|RandomDesign]]">
   <Option key="points" value="20"/>


Specifies a combined Latin HyperCube and FactorialDesign

<[[Config:InitialDesign|InitialDesign]] type="[[InitialDesign#CombinedDesign|CombinedDesign]]">
   <!-- Select samples in a Latin Hypercube Design -->
   <[[Config:InitialDesign|InitialDesign]] type="[[InitialDesign#LatinHypercubeDesign|LatinHypercubeDesign]]">
      <!-- how many points to generate -->
      <Option key="points" value="20"/>
      <!--<Option key="weight" value="0.5"/>-->
      <!--<Option key="coolingFactor" value="0.9"/>-->
      <!--<Option key="p" value="5.0"/>-->

   <[[Config:InitialDesign|InitialDesign]] type="[[InitialDesign#FactorialDesign|FactorialDesign]]">
      <!-- how many points to generate for each dimension as a vector -->
      <!-- a scalar value (l) is the same as [l l ... l] (length of input dimension) -->
      <Option key="levels" value="2"/>


Use an exsiting dataset as the initial design

<[[Config:InitialDesign|InitialDesign]] type="[[InitialDesign#DatasetDesign|DatasetDesign]]">
   <!-- Where should we load the dataset from? -->
   <Option key="filename" value="/path/to/your/dataset.txt"/>
   <!-- Does the dataset also contain responses? (instead of only the inputs) 
        If so, hasOutputs must be set to yes and the range of the inputs in the file must
        match the range of the simulator.  If not, the range of the inputs must be [-1 1].
   <Option key="hasOutputs" value="no"/>