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Evaluate samples locally using a native executable/script or a java class
<[[Config:SampleEvaluator|SampleEvaluator]] id="local" type="ibbt.sumo.SampleEvaluators.LocalSampleEvaluator">
<!-- Maximum number of times to resubmit a point (e.g., in case something went wrong) -->
<Option key="maxResubmissions" value="1"/>
<!-- If a sample takes longer than "sampleTimeout*average evaluation time of one sample"
seconds to evaluate it is removed from the pending list (set to -1 to disable) -->
<Option key="sampleTimeout" value="-1"/>
<!-- Can be set to "java" for java executables, to "external" for platform-specific
binaries and to nothing at all for auto-detection.-->
<Option key="simulatorType" value=""/>
<!-- Can be set to a number of seconds, if one simulator evaluation exceeds this timeout,
the simulation is aborted -->
<!-- <Option key="timeout" value="12"/> -->
<!-- Number of samples to evaluate concurrently, useful if you have a dual or multi-core machine -->
<Option key="threadCount" value="1"/>
Evaluate samples using a matlab script (ie. your simulator is a matlab script)
<[[Config:SampleEvaluator|SampleEvaluator]] id="matlab" type="ibbt.sumo.SampleEvaluators.matlab.MatlabSampleEvaluator">
<!-- Maximum number of times to resubmit a point (e.g., in case something went wrong) -->
<Option key="maxResubmissions" value="1"/>
<!-- If a sample takes longer than "sampleTimeout*average evaluation time of one sample"
seconds to evaluate it is removed from the pending list (set to -1 to disable) -->
<Option key="sampleTimeout" value="-1"/>
Evaluate samples using a matlab class
<[[Config:SampleEvaluator|SampleEvaluator]] id="matlabClass" type="ibbt.sumo.SampleEvaluators.matlab.MatlabClassSampleEvaluator">
<!-- Maximum number of times to resubmit a point (e.g., in case something went wrong) -->
<Option key="maxResubmissions" value="1"/>
<!-- If a sample takes longer than "sampleTimeout*average evaluation time of one sample"
seconds to evaluate it is removed from the pending list (set to -1 to disable) -->
<Option key="sampleTimeout" value="-1"/>
Evaluate samples using a gridded dataset
<[[Config:SampleEvaluator|SampleEvaluator]] id="gridded" type="ibbt.sumo.SampleEvaluators.datasets.GriddedDatasetSampleEvaluator">
<!-- Using an ID you can specify which dataset from the simulator file to use -->
<!-- <Option key="id" value="someDataset"/> -->
Evaluate samples using a scattered dataset
<[[Config:SampleEvaluator|SampleEvaluator]] id="scattered" type="ibbt.sumo.SampleEvaluators.datasets.ScatteredDatasetSampleEvaluator">
<!-- Using an ID you can specify which dataset from the simulator file to use -->
<!-- <Option key="id" value="someDataset"/> -->
Evaluate samples on a SGE administered cluster through a remote, ssh reachable frontnode
<[[Config:SampleEvaluator|SampleEvaluator]] id="calcua" type="ibbt.sumo.SampleEvaluators.sge.RemoteSGESampleEvaluator">
<!-- Maximum number of times to resubmit a point (e.g., in case something went wrong) -->
<Option key="maxResubmissions" value="1"/>
<!-- If a sample takes longer than "sampleTimeout*average evaluation time of one sample"
seconds to evaluate it is removed from the pending list (set to -1 to disable) -->
<Option key="sampleTimeout" value="-1"/>
<!--The platform specs of the cluster-->
<[[Config:Executable|Executable]] platform="unix" arch="x86"/>
<[[Config:Backend|Backend]] id="remoteSGE" type="ibbt.sumo.SampleEvaluators.sge.RemoteSGEBackend">
<!--ssh user name to login on the front node-->
<Option key="user" value="dgorisse"/>
<!--Submissions happen from this front node, you need to have key-based ssh authentication-->
<Option key="frontNode" value=""/>
<!--Directory on the front node where input/output files, dependencies, etc. are stored-->
<Option key="remoteDirectory" value="/storeA/users/dgorisse/output"/>
<!--poll for result files every xx seconds-->
<Option key="pollInterval" value="20"/>
<!--queues we can submit to-->
<Option key="queues" value="testqueue,normalprio,myrinet,cmpl_wis-inf"/>
<!--check for faster queues (more slots available) every xx seconds-->
<Option key="queueRevisionRate" value="10"/>
<!--script on the frontnode that sets up the necessary shell environment-->
<Option key="environmentCommand" value=". ~/.profile;"/>
Evaluate samples on a LCG administered grid through a remote, ssh reachable frontnode
<[[Config:SampleEvaluator|SampleEvaluator]] id="begrid" type="ibbt.sumo.SampleEvaluators.edg.RemoteEDGSampleEvaluator">
<!-- Maximum number of times to resubmit a point (e.g., in case something went wrong) -->
<Option key="maxResubmissions" value="1"/>
<!-- If a sample takes longer than "sampleTimeout*average evaluation time of one sample"
seconds to evaluate it is removed from the pending list (set to -1 to disable) -->
<Option key="sampleTimeout" value="-1"/>
<[[Config:Executable|Executable]] platform="unix" arch="x86"/>
<[[Config:Backend|Backend]] id="remoteEDG" type="ibbt.sumo.SampleEvaluators.edg.RemoteEDGBackend">
<Option key="user" value="dgorissen"/>
<Option key="frontNode" value=""/>
<Option key="remoteDirectory" value="/home/edp/dgorissen/JobOutput"/>
<Option key="pollInterval" value="25"/>
<!--Virtual Organization to use-->
<Option key="vo" value="betest"/>
<!--script on the frontnode that sets up the necessary shell environment-->
<Option key="environmentCommand" value=". /etc/profile;"/>