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What initial experimental design to use and how many points to generate
<!--What initial experimental design to use and how many points to generate-->
<[[Config:InitialDesign|InitialDesign]] type="[[InitialDesign#CombinedDesign|CombinedDesign]]">
<!-- Select samples in a Latin Hypercube Design -->
<[[Config:InitialDesign|InitialDesign]] type="[[InitialDesign#LatinHyperCubeDesign|LatinHyperCubeDesign]]">
<!-- how many points to generate -->
<Option key="points" value="20"/>
<!--<Option key="weight" value="0.5"/>-->
<!--<Option key="coolingFactor" value="0.9"/>-->
<!--<Option key="p" value="5.0"/>-->
<!-- Select samples in every corner of the domain -->
<[[Config:InitialDesign|InitialDesign]] type="[[InitialDesign#FactorialDesign|FactorialDesign]]">
<!-- how many points to generate for each dimension as a vector -->
<!-- a scalar value (l) is the same as [l l ... l] (length of input dimension) -->
<Option key="levels" value="2"/>
Custom Options
Available options:
<!--Enable this if you're in doubt your datafiles are in sync with the simulator-->
<Option key="checkDatasetConsistency" value="off"/>
<!--Should a movie (mov format) be created of the model plots when the toolbox has terminated-->
<Option key="createMovie" value="yes"/>
<!--The minimum amount of samples alotted to *EACH RUN*, dont stop untill we have at least this many samples-->
<Option key="minimumTotalSamples" value="0"/>
<!--The maximum amount of samples alotted to *EACH RUN*, stop the run and proceed to the next if this number of samples is exceeded (set to Inf to disable)-->
<Option key="maximumTotalSamples" value="1000"/>
<!--The amount of time (in minutes) alotted to *EACH RUN*, stop the run and proceed to the next if this number is exceeded (set to Inf to disable)-->
<Option key="maximumTime" value="Inf"/>
<!--The maximum number of adaptive modeling iterations alotted to *EACH RUN*, stop the run and proceed to the next if this number is exceeded (set to Inf to disable)-->
<Option key="maxModelingIterations" value="Inf"/>
<!--How should the random number generator files be seeded, 3 options: - default: do nothing, the same seed will be used each time matlab is started - random: random initial state - file: load the state from the file specified by the randomStateFile option-->
<Option key="seedRandomState" value="default"/>
<!--Stop the main loop if a fatal error occurs in the sample evaluator, if set to false the toolbox will switch to adaptive modeling mode (further sampling is switched off).-->
<Option key="stopOnError" value="true"/>
<!--Minimum amount of samples that are to be evaluated from the initial sample set before the modeling process starts.-->
<Option key="minimumInitialSamples" value="100"/>
<!--How the minimum number of samples is expressed: one of count (absolute value) or percentage (relative value)-->
<Option key="minimumInitialSamplesType" value="percentage"/>
<!--Maximum number of pending samples allowed at any time in the toolbox.-->
<Option key="maximumSamples" value="10"/>