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Revision as of 15:33, 10 February 2012 by Mnguyen (talk | contribs) (→Interpreting the configuration file)
Toolbox configuration file
This is the default SUMO toolbox configuration, this is what gets used when you run 'go' without any arguments You can edit this file directly or make a copy and run that. See the wiki for detailed information.
<[[Config:ToolboxConfiguration|ToolboxConfiguration]] version="7.0">
Interpreting the configuration file
When first looking at the default.xml you are presented with a lot of information and it can be a bit difficult to understand what is going, especially if you are not familiar with XML. However there is method in the madness, and this section will help you to break down the components that make up the configuration file.
Comments in the XML are placed between ' brackets.
This is an example comment.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<ToolboxConfiguration version="7.0">
<Run name="" repeat="1">
<Measure type="CrossValidation" target="0.01" errorFcn="rootRelativeSquareError" use="on" />
<Output name="out">
<Output name="outinverse">
<SampleSelector id="random" type="RandomSampleSelector" combineOutputs="false"/>
<SampleSelector id="delaunay" type="PipelineSampleSelector" combineOutputs="false">
<CandidateGenerator type="DelaunayCandidateGenerator"/>
<CandidateRanker type="modelDifference">
<Option key="criterion_parameter" value="2"/>
<CandidateRanker type="delaunayVolume"/>
<MergeCriterion type="WeightedAverage" weights="[1 1]"/>