Running SUMO on UGent HPC
From SUMOwiki
This page provides instructions on how to use the HPC infracture of Ghent university. For more information about the HPC infracture itself please visit their website. To learn how to run Matlab in general on the HPC see this website.
Compiling a standalone copy of the SUMO Toolbox for use on the HPC
- Log on to the HPC
- Upload a copy of the toolbox if you haven't done so
- On the login node of the HPC, load the Matlab, ant and Java module e.g.:
module load MATLAB/2011a-bis module load Java/1.6.0_26 module load ant export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx1024M -Xms512M" (use this option in case you need more heap space)
- In the terminal, change directory to the SUMO root directory and type in "make" to compile the toolbox for use
- Open the Makefile in the SUMO root directory and change MATLABDIR to ${SOFTROOTMATLAB}
- Edit the Makefile and add the path to the example(s) you plan to run in the mcc line e.g.:
${MATLABDIR}/bin/mcc -m -v -a -pathToMyExample -a ./src/matlab/ -a ./configure.m -a ./startup.m -R '-nodesktop, -nosplash' -d './csumo' ./go.m
- Compile the SUMO Toolbox for standalone use by into terminal make-csumo
Running an example on the HPC infracture
- Log on to HPC and request for some worker nodes (see the HPC wiki for more information), for example this command will request the HPC for node in the debug queue:
qsub -I
- In the terminal, change directory to where the compiled SUMO Toolbox is located (by default this is SUMORoot/csumo)
- Set the MCRROOT environmental variable like to point to the MCR root, e.g:
export MCRROOT=/apps/gent/gengar/harpertown/software/MATLAB/MCR_2011a/v715
- Run the a configuration xml-file using:
./ $MCRROOT pathToYourConfig/yourConfig.xml