Useful Links
From SUMOwiki
Related publications
See the Related publications page.
Related projects
A list of projects with similar ideas and scope.
- ClearVu Analytics
- Surrogates Toolbox: Another matlab surrogate modeling toolbox
- Evolved-Analytics: DataModeler package.
- MunEDA: MunEDA provides leading EDA software technology for analysis, modelling and optimization of yield and performance of analog, mixed-signal and digital designs.
- LS-OPT: Functionality similar to the SUMO-Toolbox in LS-OPT
- MUCH Toolkit: A toolbox for sensitivity analysis using surrogate models
- FDIDENT: frequency domain identification toolbox
- Regression software on Open Directory
- Infiniscale: TechModeler, TechAnalyzer: automatic model generation tools for EM applications
- visualDOC: VisualDOC, a design optimization tool
- MARS: A spline based modeling tool
- Modelcenter: A datamining and modeling tool
- iSIGHT: A datamining and modeling tool
- Datascape: A datamining and modeling tool
- Friendship systems: Tools for modeling ship hulls parametrically and performing the modeling calculations (Equilibrium tool)
- Nimrod/G: Execute parameter sweeps on the grid
- ProActive: Java grid library
- Nimrod/O: Grid-enabled optimization toolkit
- NEOS: Distributed optimization toolkit
- iLab: automated parameter study toolkit
- SciRun: Problem Solving Environment (PSE), for simulation, modeling, and visualization of scientific problems.
- ModeFRONTIER: environment dedicated to the set up of design assessment chains and efficient investigation of the design space.
- Gridbus: metascheduler for the grid
- Gridsolve/Netsolve: grid enabled scientific computation toolbox
- DTREG: a powerful statistical analysis program that generates classification and regression trees and Support Vector Machine models that can be used to predict parameter values.
- MDO: A collection of MDO links
- GOSSET: A general purpose program for designing experiments
- DAKOTA: Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications
- DIPSO: Wide-Area Distributed Problem Solving (DIPSO
- GEODISE: Grid Enabled Optimisation and Design Search for Engineering
- Poseidon: A distributed information system for ocean processes.
- EZfit : Free curve fitting toolbox for matlab
- SGIT : A Sparse grid interpolation toolbox
- QuickRBF : an RBF fitting library (native)
- FastRBF : another RBF fitting library (matlab)
- Neuromat Predictor : neural networks fitting library
- Sensitivity Analysis library
- Gaussian Process Matlab code
- Code based on Rasmussen's book
- Sparse Gaussian Processes
- Gaussian Process Software
- GP using polynomial covariance functions
Related labs
A list of some of the labs/researchers with similar ideas and scope.
- Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Michigan
- The Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Group at the University of Florida
- School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Oregon State U
- Computational Engineering and Design Center
- Engineering Design & Optimization Group (Penn state)
- Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Homepage
- Computational Thermo-Fluids Group
- Product Design and Optimization Laboratory (PDOL)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) group at CERFACS
- Dirk Roos
- Florent Duchaine
- National aerospace lab]
Data sets - Simulation code
A list of publicaly available datasets and simulation codes, useful for testing.
- Matlab scientific computing database : Nicly documented Matlab simulation code examples
- Statistics links : A nice collection of data fitting and analysis codes
- Wikipedia Classic Datasets
- The ROUSSEEUW datasets
- Donoho-Johnstone Benchmarks
- datasets
- Schrödinger wave simulations
- Spice like simulator for matlab
- Nist dataset archive
- Daisy datasets
- Statlib dataset archive
- Datasets from the book "Neural networks for the modeling and control of dynamic systems.
- A simulation environment for production and transport, logistics and automation systems
- Nanostructure Simulation and Modeling Programs
- A Modular, Distributed Pedestrian Crowd Simulation System
- Fortran simulation codes
- Grid ENabled Integrated Earth system model
- Nasa datasets
- Function approximation repository
- Google directory datasets
- A Collection of Modeling and Simulation Resources on the Internet
- Free simulation software from Nasa
- Earthquake simulation
- Harddisk simulator
- Mountain top radar data
- Statsci dataset repository
- dataset repository
- dataset repository
- problems from the Cross Entropy toolbox
- Weka datasets
- dataset repository
- Max Set of Gaussians Landscape Generator
- Collection of useful Matlab scripts by Thomas Abrahamsson
- A Matlab toolbox for Linear Structural Dynamics Analysis
- Matlab simulators for control and systems modeling
- UIUC Airfoil Data Site
- Proben1 benchmark datasets
- TNF workshop data archives
- Code for kriging models
- Comsol multiphysics package
Predefined functions
- Continuous benchmark problems
- Optimization test functions
- Optimization test functions
- Optimization test functions
- Optimization test functions
- Optimization test functions
- Optimization test functions
- Surrogate modeling test functions
- Functions with multiple global optima
- More test set
- Dixon-Szegö test set
- Handbook of Test Problems for local and global optimization
- PISA optimization framework
- Impl. of multiobjective optimization methods
- swarmOps
- Differential Evolution
- YALMIP High-level optimization problem solver, uses external solvers as backend
- Global optimization software
- Mesh-Adaptive Direct Search (MADS) software in Matlab
- Modulopt: fortran implementations and some matlab
Various links
- An excellent collection of machine learning lecture videos
- A collection of useful Matlab scripts
- MATLAB array manipulation tips and tricks
- Particle Swarm implementations
- A great selection of open source machine learning software
- Another repository of machine learning tools
- A list of Matlab toolboxes
- ISSMO-REASON: Research and Engineering Applications in Structural Optimization Network
- The European Coordinating Action on Key Aerodynamic Technologies
- Altair Hyperworks
- OptyI
- Technet Alliance
Conference links
- Conference alerts
- Engineering conferences
- AI Conference alerts
- IEEE conferences
- AIAA Conferences
- Wiki of conferences
- CIE Conferences
- Kaisa's conferences
- AI Conferences
- IEEE CIS conferences
- Neural Network Events
- Neural Network Conferences
- Open research AI conferences
Journal Links
- ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
- Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
- Advances in Engineering Software
- Journal of Mechanical Design
- Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering
- Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
- Advanced Engineering Informatics
- Engineering with Computers
- Neural Computing and Applications
- AIAA Journal
- Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing
- Journal of Machine Learning Research
- Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
- Applied Mathematical Modelling
- SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
- Inverse Problems
- Inverse problems in science and engineering
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C
- Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences
- Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
- Journal of Computational Science